The Atlas Series
An ongoing collection of paintings built upon individual pages from a 2005 road atlas, carefully removed from their binding and adhered to wood panels. By engaging with the dense cartographical information in a visual way, I partner paint with the existing lines, shapes, and patterns embedded within the maps to create fantastical, fictitious environments. In a world saturated with certainty of destination, dismantling the map’s original function of making a place knowable and conquerable, the work seeks to return wonder to wandering. The viewer is invited to challenge the colonialist myth that making the choice to journey gives us the capacity to own what we find there. How might we leave room to be surprised by the wild that lingers between the known and imagined.

Atlas: Nebraska East / 2023 / 14 x 11" / $400

Atlas: Nebraska West / 2023 / 14 x 11" / $400

Atlas: Virginia / 2023 / 14 x 11" / $400

Atlas: Michigan / 2023 / 14 x 11" / $400

Atlas: Colorado / 2023 / 14 x 11" / $400

Atlas: Manitoba / 2023 / 14 x 11" / $400

Atlas: Quebec / 2023 / 14 x 11" / $400

Atlas: North Florida / 2023 / 14 x 11" / $400

Atlas: Rhode Island / 2023 / 14 x 11" / $400

Atlas: New Jersey / 2023 / 14 x 11" / $400